Programs | Victim Services Durham

Our Programs

Free, confidential support without judgment. We’re here to hold your hand and help you rebuild your life, whether you’ve experienced tragedy, crime or historical victimization.

Crisis Response

When you need help, we’re here. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, been a victim of a crime, exploited online or are in an abusive relationship, we will help you.

We offer free, confidential crisis response services both on-site and over the phone from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. We’re also on-call 24/7 to respond to police requests for victim assistance.

  • Promotes the immediate safety and stability of victims
  • Provides tailored interventions by trained staff and volunteers

System Navigation

Need help after a crime or tragedy? We offer emotional support and practical help navigating systems for anyone who identifies as a victim or survivor of crime.

Our services are free, confidential and are available for translation in over 300 languages. You do not have to report the crime to police in order to access our help.

  • Emotional support, resources, referrals and advocacy
  • Help finding financial assistance
  • Safety planning
  • Assistance navigating systems like social services, subsidized housing, police, ODSP, Ontario Works and more

Victim Quick Response Program+

No one plans to be a victim of crime or tragedy. When the unthinkable happens, we’ll help you find financial support.

Our trained staff can help you apply for funding through our Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) to assist with basic needs and personal safety immediately after a crime.

Examples of what could be covered:

  • Counselling services
  • Funerals for homicide victims
  • Transportation to safe accommodations
  • Home safety devices
  • Basic necessities like food, medication and more

Prevention Programming

We offer prevention programming for youth, educators, caregivers and service providers that ranges from workshops, field trips, school-based events, virtual events and online E-course trainings. Topics include: Intimate Partner Violence, Teen Dating Violence, Consent, Anti-Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Sextortion, Cyber Safety, Bullying, Gang Awareness and more. To learn more about our Prevention programs or to view online Educational Resources and events please visit our Training and Resources page.


Human Trafficking Prevention & Intervention

As specialists in human trafficking prevention and intervention, we provide training, presentations and workshops for youth and service providers.

Youth Prevention Workshops

Interactive workshops for Grade 9 students explaining healthy relationships, how to set boundaries, consent and how to recognize red flags. Workshops are 1-2 hours long and are offered in partnership with the Durham Regional Police Services.

Professional Training

Full and half day sessions for law enforcement staff, school staff, Crown Attorneys and social service providers discussing how to prevent and intervene in situations involving human trafficking survivors.

Hotel Staff Training

Workshops for hotel staff to help them identify the signs of human trafficking and know how to respond.

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We can't do it alone

As a registered charity with a growing caseload, we need your help. Become a monthly donor and make sure everyone gets the support they need.


Contact us

Victim Services of Durham Region
605 Rossland Rd. E., Box 911 Whitby ON L1N 0B8
(905) 721-4226
1 (888) 579-1520 ext. 3400

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